You’ve Overstepped Your Boundaries | Teen Ink

You’ve Overstepped Your Boundaries

November 18, 2011
By Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sensation boils over, making me quiver.
I can’t believe you’ve gone this far, and turned on me so quickly.
I thought the separation would be good, that you’d at least try to understand.
No way to release these feelings, save for squishing that lone house fly.
It never saw it coming, but here’s where the two of you differ.
You tried to take a stab at him, like a wasp enraged by jealousy and pain.
I’ve kept him unaware of the past that you and I had
I can’t let this problem slide idly by, like watching a lazy river.
You hurt me and you don’t care, for that there’s no excuse.
So keep stumbling over your explanation, like a moth caught in heavy water.
You won’t be let off easy this time, action will be taken.
You know quite well the temper I have, and you know how far you’ve pushed it.
I won’t play nice, and, why yes, you should be quite afraid.
He’ll know nothing of the exchange, like a clueless, little ant.
For all involved I know its better this way.
I can and will end any future friction myself, of this I can assure you.
So be prepared, don’t let your guard down
Because when you least expect it,
I’ll fight back, just like that enraged wasp you seemed to mimic.
Except this time I will win.

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