Lost In The Lyrics | Teen Ink

Lost In The Lyrics

November 3, 2011
By asweers10 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
asweers10 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve been to the clouds numerous times,
Hid in them with the sun,
Shined through them like the moon,
Cried like them on a dark day-
Disappeared when bright.

I’ve heard nothing,
Seen the blank and emotionless expressions,
Witnessed the closed eyes
And the zipped mouths.

It was so far in the distance, just out of reach,
I tried to see what it meant
To put up a fight.
I would do anything;

But it was too late.

I attempted to find someone,
Through those dark alleys,
In those empty rooms
Nobody was in sight.
Before I could think,

I was Lost.

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