You Lied | Teen Ink

You Lied

November 3, 2011
By KatieAnne7204 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
KatieAnne7204 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You said that I was your little girl
You lied.
You said that I was the center of you world,
You lied.
You said that you loved me
You lied.
This got me to thinking,
What did you tell the truth about?
I guess that I will never know.
All you ever do is make me cry.
Why did you need to lie and make me feel loved,
only to make me feel worthless again?
I guess that’s what you get the most you in.
Does that make it ok?
I don’t think so.
All I know is, you lied.

The author's comments:
this piece really made me feel better because i didnt even know that i felt this way about anything...

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