Death's Dream | Teen Ink

Death's Dream

December 3, 2011
By HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
HenryH GOLD, Barnwell, South Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The minute I heard my first love story,<br /> I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.<br /> <br /> Lovers don&#039;t finally meet somewhere,<br /> they&#039;re in each other all along.<br /> ~Rumi

Lying in the darkness
Dying in my sleep.
The dream causes me so much pain,
It causes me to weep.

To Death's front door,
With each of my friends.
They die one by one,
I walk with them to their bitter ends.

Now his hands clutch me,
Squeezing me tight.
I pray to God he'll let me
See tomorrow's light.

Then abruptly, he lets me go,
And whispers in my ear:
"Don't worry child, I will be back.
Your end is very near."

So now I live in fear,
Yes every night I quake.
For wherever I go, Death will follow.
And one day, I will not wake.

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