love? | Teen Ink


December 4, 2011
By ilovearianna PLATINUM, Denver, Colorado
ilovearianna PLATINUM, Denver, Colorado
23 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
One day your life is gonna flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching.

Love is a game, I choose not to play.
Love is some-what like a relay.
You start off strong and confident.
And finish like “I’m finally done with it!”
He might make you nervous.
He might make you laugh.
But in the end. He’ll have the last laugh.
ALL guys are players. That’s no doubt!
It’s all about finding one that’s worth a shout.
He’s the one that’s always on the field.
But also stuck in a book called “boy meets girl.”
If you look real hard, he isn’t gonna be there the first time you try.
You just have to look what’s in front of you.
Because he has been standing there the entire time.

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