When I Think of You | Teen Ink

When I Think of You

December 9, 2011
By jayjay2406 BRONZE, Middle Village, New York
jayjay2406 BRONZE, Middle Village, New York
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When i think of you, my heart starts to race, whenever i see you i try to hide my face, when i think of you, you make me feel so right, i want to be the one to kiss you goodnight. When i think of you, i get a tingle down my spine, in my dreams i hope to make you mine, when i think of you, i feel so secure, my love for you is truly pure. When i think of you, i begin to blush, you are truly my biggest crush, when i think of you, my soul starts to sing, oh what joy to me you bring. When i think of you, everything else seems so far away, you always seem to make my day, when i think of you, nothing can go wrong, with only you is where i belong.

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