Crush | Teen Ink


December 7, 2011
By KiiKii BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
KiiKii BRONZE, Kansas City, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As my phone rings my heart hopes it’s you,
and as I smile wide butterflies attack my insides.
fluttering like there’s no tomorrow.
My mouth gets dry and silent.
and my mind becomes an empty notebook,
awaiting for words as I blush.
Your voice makes my heart a brick on water,
and your hugs make my legs fall beneath me…
I’m falling into an abyss of emotion.
But can you catch me I ask?
And do you know how I truly feel I wonder?...
My crush.
Your name appears constantly amongst my hidden thoughts,
and everything goes quiet and still…
while my eyes secretly smile.
When we’re not speaking my body stays limp and sad,
Until thoughts of you come to my busy mind…
As I sit alone and dream..
My heart feels heavy and the butterflies roam,
And you stay on my mind as…

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