The Renaissance Artists | Teen Ink

The Renaissance Artists

December 16, 2011
By Cassidy.Z BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
Cassidy.Z BRONZE, Yukon, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Where the time goes, nobody knows.&quot; - Unknown.<br /> &quot;To the world you might just be one person, but to one person you might just be the world&quot; - Unknown.<br /> &quot;Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low.&quot; - A Day To Remember

Blending colors onto a palate,
Creating on canvas a complex ballet.
The shades twirl and twist,
until a million stokes are amidst.
Dancing and spinning in harmony,
Creating an act of larceny.
Swindling a scene of real beauty,
And plagiarizing it as something quite fruity.
Eloping the iridescence and luminosity,
Exploring every curiosity.
Capturing a moment in time,
Composing a dance of colors that harmonize like words shall rhyme.
A pirouette of yellow,
A cabriole of blues fairly mellow,
Failles and Fouettes of soft reds and pinks,
A coupe of green that almost winks.
Establishing the greatest mark in history they can manage,
Giving them great historical advantage.
The artist plays a role in this existence,
With a little bit of paint, and a fair amount of persistence.

The author's comments:
This is something I wrote for my history class for a project on the Renaissance. It is supposed to dictate the artists' works and compare them to a ballet performance using an extended metaphor and such. Its certainly not the best poem in the world, but It is something I would like to share.

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