Gradual Night | Teen Ink

Gradual Night

January 1, 2012
By Carolinee4 BRONZE, Dumont, New Jersey
Carolinee4 BRONZE, Dumont, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don&#039;t cry because it&#039;s over<br /> smile because it happened :)

The day creeps over into night
Slowly, too slow to capture with sight
The moon shines a reflection onto the street
That guides me through the thickest shade.
From here on out, it is my only light.

As day has now come and gone away
And I myself walk further astray
The suspense of night, I have yet to meet
I am touched by darkness as I begin to fade
As I walk, night erases my memory of day.

I have now been swallowed by the dark
Night has surely left it's mark.
It's covered the town in a woolen sheet
That has blinded me with no help or aid.
Until day returns, a brighter journey to embark,
I shall walk on, through the eminent dark.

The author's comments:
A walk through the dark ... from my perspective. This poem paints a mental image of how night slowly and GRADUALLY comes upon the world.

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This article has 1 comment.

cmcgrath said...
on Feb. 22 2012 at 8:30 am
Well done! I wish I could write a comment as eloquently as you can write a poem.