Nothing But Respect | Teen Ink

Nothing But Respect

January 2, 2012
By Eleanorvbm SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Eleanorvbm SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Don't call me sweetie
I'm not your grandchild
I'm an informed student

Don't call me honey
I'm not an old needy person
I'm a determined young women

Don't patronize me
Hear me out
I have a valid point, now and always

Don't talk down to me
I know more then you'd think
I've lived 13 mature years

Don't judge me
Because I'm a teenager
Or because I'm not up to your standards

Don't objectify me
I'm not for your amusement
I'm a smart teenage girl

I'm capable, and I know what I'm doing
If I'm here, it's with a reason
I've been trained, prepped and I've lived life

Now don't you dare
Do anything
But treat me with respect

The author's comments:
Every line, every stanza, is what I wanted to say, but never did, to people who have put me down. As I wrote this I had a knot in my stomach but gained so much confidence.

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This article has 1 comment.

Firlie SILVER said...
on Feb. 3 2012 at 12:34 pm
Firlie SILVER, Deer Park, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I want people to understand that if they kill a whale, they've got a dead whale." -Good Omens

I get a strong sense of your personal views from this. Thank you for posting!