Jaded | Teen Ink


January 4, 2012
By distracteddreamer BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
distracteddreamer BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I really can\&#039;t deny it, I am who I am. I\&#039;m pretty normal. I\&#039;m not that smooth type of girl. I run into things, I trip, I spill food. I say stupid things... I really don\&#039;t have it all together.&rdquo;<br /> -Katie Holmes

A child prematurely jaded
unable to even feign
the slightest semblance of happiness.

A failed attempt at forcing a smile
results in nothing more
than an unsightly grimace.

Her outward appearance

Small hands
too little exposed to physical harshness,
to hold much wear.

Small feet
that have yet to walk far
in the journey of life.

Her face a flawless mask
of childhood innocence
at first glance.

A closer look reveals the raw,
haunted emotion
in the depths of her eyes.

Deeper still
is her heart.
Smooth and cold.
A stone once rolled in the sand,
now subject to icy waves.

Yet it's center
still holds the memory
of long ago days spent in the sun.


For the day it is once again washed up on the shore
and able to feel the warmth.

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