I Believe (for Charlotte) | Teen Ink

I Believe (for Charlotte)

January 19, 2012
By snaomi PLATINUM, Cheshire, Connecticut
snaomi PLATINUM, Cheshire, Connecticut
43 articles 0 photos 38 comments

I believe the end of the world
will not be one year and one month from today
despite what the Mayans might have said


I believe that global warming
may destroy all hopes that my children's
children will one day
see a polar bear


I believe that, if I wanted to,
I could be famous or rich -
but probably not both


I believe in the Tooth Fairy,
Yeti, and Loch Ness monster,
because my daydreams would ring
so false without them


I believe I once believed in God
the same way I once believed a sidewalk
crack could break my mother's back,
the same way I now believe in blackberries,
chair-backs, other such useful things


I believe that neighbors have lost all trace
of neighborliness
and that I dream of one day bringing cookies
to all the houses closest mine,
just because


I believe that one body cannot love
and hate itself in equal proportion
for long
(and I hope love wins out)


I believe skyscrapers
and that they make me oh so small


I believe in warmth
that blossoms from within,
even when winter blows away my gloves


I believe in all this slightly less
than I believe in the memory of your flannels
your whitewater laugh
that still wakes
me from dreams.

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