The Hurt | Teen Ink

The Hurt

January 19, 2012
By AndAllThatJazz BRONZE, Newmarket, Other
AndAllThatJazz BRONZE, Newmarket, Other
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I hate quotations. Tell me what /you/ know<br /> ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

What happens when your escape becomes your reminder
You can’t find yourself; you don’t know where to find her
Your heart and your soul, weighted down with despair
A sigh in your ear, telling you it’s not fair.

The clenching of muscles, the cracking of bone
A sharp tense, a sharper pain, a strangled groan.
They can’t tell you what’s wrong, perhaps they never will
Can your parents even pay your hospital bill?

Maybe all would be better if you weren’t hear
But what about your life, all your hopes and your fears?
But with the pain that is today it’s hard to look at tomorrow
And the people around you, do they deserve to feel your sorrow?

So just keep popping your pills
And smiling through the pain
If it’s a battle of will
Then you’ll never let it gain.

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