Secrets | Teen Ink


January 20, 2012
By katiebug95 BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
katiebug95 BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.<br /> - Lucille Ball.

Well, what am I suppose to say,
The love we had just went away,
You said you loved me, but it wasn’t true
Now all I can think about is what did I do?
All this pain I’m feeling I just want to pesto,
And let the feelings I have for you go,
I’m stupid for taking you back,
Hoping we could push everything in the past,
You’re lying and cheating,
But I kept misbelieving that you were sneaking and misconceiving,
I’m tired of fighting and hearing you say you’re trying,
And telling me to stop whining,
If you were trying you would stop lying and tell the truth,
I guess you don’t realize that’s all I want from you,
The things I say to you, I mean and it’s true,
The love I have for you, is more than I can prove,
I bet those other girls don’t have a clue,
What they’re getting themselves into,
So here’s a toast for you and your lovely lady crew,
How many girls you going to sleep with?
What a secret, how long did you think you could keep it?
The damage you did is permanent,
I’m glad, to you, my pain was worth it.

The author's comments:
this peice is about what happened with me and my boyfriend. he was being sneaky and when i would go up to him and ask him he would lie to me about even though i already knew it was true.

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