Angle the girl who went through pain | Teen Ink

Angle the girl who went through pain

January 27, 2012
By Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
Shellz585 SILVER, Newark, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams are like the twin towers

A girl who's inoffensive was taken by darkness. The girl lived her life in pain and painless,she feared life and was hurt so bad in her life that she became fragile and easy to brake.A young beautiful girl who hid behinde secrets and didn't know how to set herself free from them.A girl who was lost and helpless.when you looked into her eyes they told you a story a story about everything she been through. You could also see fire in her eyes.She loved to dance her dancing would make you weep. She moved her body like an angle . Every move and step she made told a story about her life. She put her soul into her dancing. She even cried when she was finished. She wanted people to know her story . She also new that they didn't know it was her story she was telling. She told stories about how she was abused by her father and how her mother wasnt there for her also how scred she was.A girl who had nobody to bring her out of the darkness.A girl that dreamed even though she lived in darkness. She dreamed about being a dancer and having a better life. The story of a girl who life had no meaning and who was born in the darkness of pain. A girl who keeps trying to float and not sink

The author's comments:
A book inspired me forged by the fire

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