Worldly Interpretation | Teen Ink

Worldly Interpretation

February 5, 2012
By RedGiraffes BRONZE, Dover, Florida
RedGiraffes BRONZE, Dover, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I laugh when they tell me there’s no zombie.
Or vampires. Or werewolves. Or a witch.

Zombies blindly follow the crowd
Doing what everyone else is doing
Buying the same brand as their school
To fit in. To stay cool.

Vampires like to steal and cause problems
They thrive off of drama, and take ideas.
Vampires require those around them to succeed.
Vapid and cruel, they tend to rule.

A witch is queen of despise.
They love nothing more the revenge
They attack needlessly.
Yet never stay true to a side.

I see hundreds of zombies.
I see tons of vampires.
I see plenty of witches
I see them everywhere,
My world is full of them.

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