My Angel | Teen Ink

My Angel

March 2, 2012
By AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Find the rythm in your life and celebrate it.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle<br /> &quot;When you feel the brush of wind on your face, think of me and know I&#039;ll be with you always.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle

A lost generation
No hope for repair or normality
I sink back into my seat and see
Nothing but materialistic dreams and attitudes
Coming true
The lack of love for anything other than what can be physically touched
Has become a disease infecting young minds

How can I survive in a world such as this?
Without the love of innocence
Genuine care
I ask myself, the world,
“Where has the love gone?”

A glimmer of hope shines through blacked skies
A familiar face to help me find my way
Not familiar in relation or past recognition
But in divine spirit

No such spirit resides in this heart or soul
That I hold
And the question of God has been long forgotten
But who can explain this Angel standing before me

With blue green eyes like the sea
He captivates me
As we soar through the emotional attachments and dreams
Setting us free into a world where we can discover
All that we want to be
And become beautiful together
Grow strong with one another
And live as Angels

Watching over all who we love
From above and beyond
The materialistic daze and ways
Leaving the others in a haze
But I know together
We can change the world for the better
And hope for this generation will be restored once again

As I sink into my chair and stare into these eyes
I can hear the cries of my lonely soul
Begging to be set free
So, hold me as you guide what is left of my heart
Into the sky
And we can watch the world grow
Into something even more beautiful
Than I could have ever imagined

And, as Angels, we will spread our wings
Discovering just how beautiful we can be
In a sanctuary
Of pure happiness

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