Maybe I Will Meet You There | Teen Ink

Maybe I Will Meet You There

March 2, 2012
By AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
AlyssaLynn SILVER, Kelowna, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Find the rythm in your life and celebrate it.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle<br /> &quot;When you feel the brush of wind on your face, think of me and know I&#039;ll be with you always.&quot; -Robert Bruce Castle

Tough days lead to rougher ways
Without true faith to guide
With you by my side, I might be okay
But, until the day I realize how happy we could be
I'll be hiding on the other side of the universe

Never could I find the drive not to dive
Over the edge
Run as far as my feet will take me
And disappear into a world
Where I am a stranger
And you are but a memory

Forgetting everything I leave behind
But forever remembering
The shameless games I played
With the hearts of the greatest men alive

So, now I hide from my mistakes
But this shelter could never protect me
From myself
The world
What I have done
Who I have become

Oh, these shameless games
Led me to my tough days and even rougher ways
Never learning true faith

Could I ever be okay with you by my side?
Or happy just watching the tides alone... with you?

Never have I thought of this day
Or you in any way more than simplistic dreams
And meaningless displays of affection
That could never last
But the words you say are haunting
As they linger here for days

Now my feet shall hit the ground
And take me as far away as my problems once sunk me
This false idea of what is free attaches itself to my happy place
And I must say
The other side of the universe is easier than potential heart break
But maybe I will meet you there

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