If loves not suppose to hurt then why is my heart bleeding? | Teen Ink

If loves not suppose to hurt then why is my heart bleeding?

March 16, 2012
By Carissababydoll BRONZE, Lyman, Maine
Carissababydoll BRONZE, Lyman, Maine
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If its ment to be let it be.

Seems like its all just a dream
some punishmeant from Satin some evil scheme
Her hand pale and blue with that ring
She used to be perfect always smiling, she used to sing

All the love where has she gone?
because we don't have very long
barely a moan escaping from her lips
How long will she be able to run before she slips?

Her screams still echoing in my ears

A tear drops in the reflection of all your biggest fears.

This is one of the days of downs
God playing with our lives like we were meant to be clowns
Soon the suffering will be over and you'll go up
I'm sorry for everything for every time I made you cry and hangup
I knew you were sick but never like this
This is the last time I pray. For our last kiss
Ill always be beside you, your driven into my heart
We will always be together never apart

When I said I love you I didn't only lean nowadays
I meant Forever, Forever and always

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