Misty Memory | Teen Ink

Misty Memory

April 23, 2012
By Bekah Storm BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
Bekah Storm BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I remember very the first day I brought you home from Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house.
I remember how soft your white and gray fur was when you would let me pet you.
I remember how mean you were to people when they would walk by you
Or when they would try to pet you.

I remember how much you scared all of the little kids in my mom’s daycare when you sat in the hallway,
And they could not pass you.

I remember how you used to love lie in my clothes hamper.
I even took a picture,
Which was my favorite one of you,
Until somehow it was deleted.

I remember how we used to cuddle up in my bed and sleep,
Waiting for Mom to come in when it was morning to let you out of the room.

I remember telling you everything,
Even though I knew you did not have a clue what I was saying.

I remember how you were the one I always went to
When I had to talk to someone about a problem
But had no one to talk to about my situation.

I remember how you used to sit on the bathroom counter
Waiting by the sink for someone to start the water,
So you could have a drink even when there was water in your cat dish.

I remember the morning my dad took you away to the vet to have you put down,
And how I did not want to let you go.

I remember wanting that last moment with you to last forever.
Although I will cherish these memories,
My favorite memories of you are ones that cannot be spoken,
But they can only be kept a secret between you and me.

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