This is how karate works | Teen Ink

This is how karate works

May 10, 2012
By CrescentKeeper PLATINUM, Perry, Utah
CrescentKeeper PLATINUM, Perry, Utah
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We go down in stretching
From the splits, butterfly, to touching toes
Sit ups, Push ups, jumping jacks galore
Next we move into blocks
Up, down, in ,out
We hold them there
For several seconds impatiently waiting to move
Now we do self defense
Elbow, Elbow, Knee, Knee, Kick, Kick
We palm strike and punch
Trusting our partners as they trust us
We learn and know how to fight
Punching, kicking, and blitzing
They kick as we block
We hit as they move
Hands up ready to protect themselves
Moving into forms, Elbow Kata, and hand striking form
Carefully we move as if this was a fight
Our bodies move in perfect balance
Our feet move to the beat of our own hearts
We listen to instinct the class becomes one
It's time to go and we depart

This is how karate works

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