Here We All Are | Teen Ink

Here We All Are

May 15, 2012
By Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So here you are on the corner of ‘bigger is better’ and Retro Fitness. You’re here to prove something you’re unsure of, to people who done care.
So here you are trying to find a happy medium between too much skin and not enough skin. Honey, he’ll never want you like you dreamed of so do yourself a favor and cover up.
So here you are posting about how wild your weekend was for people you do and don’t know. It’s funny because all anyone sees is that blank look on your face because` two seconds before you threw up all your memories.
So here I am pretending I can be better than you and better than these stupid, stereotypical situations. But it’s only inevitable that we all grow up. I just fear the long road of mistakes and bad choices ahead.
So here we are passing one another and we’re lying. Lying to our faces. Lying that “he loves me and I love him”. Lying silently and screaming out falsehoods.
Have you ever screamed a lie? An exaggeration perhaps? We’re a generation determined to fit in even if we have to create a fake life to fulfill that dream.
Don’t lie again. Because here we are and we know you’ve been here in our place. We’re begging you not to judge or be condescending.
Here we are, stick between a rock, a bad choice and not caring either way.

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