Love is | Teen Ink

Love is

June 6, 2012
By tweety47 SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
tweety47 SILVER, Indianapolis, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love is like war
Easy to start
Hard to stop
impossible to forget!!!!!
- anonymous

a warm touch we yearn for.
The feeling we could die for them.
We would spend eternity with them, loving them.
We would have their children.
The people we love the most our family, and friends.
The kinds of love we have for each other, puppy, platonic, physical, friendly, and true.
Feels like warm silk that leaves a warm spot where it touches.
A person we want to hold forever, a friend, and lover.
Someone to be a part of.
Beautiful if you have the right kind, ugly when the wrong kind s there.
Can be mistaken for something else, and cause disastrous situations.
Our friends and family even if its hard.
True, and amazing.
Puppy can be cute, and disastrous.
Care, kindness, physical, and emotional.
Given by both, and cared for by both, is good when not mistaken.
What makes the world goes round,
Getting it well, and giving it great.

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