Happiness | Teen Ink


June 4, 2012
By SmileyW SILVER, New York, New York
SmileyW SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you&#039;re past it.&quot;<br /> ~ Doug Coupland

Happiness is the feeling of a smile forming when I see your face
But it's hard to find this "happiness"
In the morning,
As the sun rise,
As the light shines,
I wake up in the morning with everything of my mind thinking about you.
But you, your just there, sleeping
When you wake up,
You don’t think about me
But yet,
You say you love me.
I wonder if this was all a joke,
A joke that would break my heart
So badly at the end.
But I chose to take this path,
The path that would lead me to you
That I thought was a path of happiness
Still, the results were so clear.
But it doesn't matter anymore,
I spot this "happiness"
So I will take it.
And won't let it go

The author's comments:
Seeking happiness, it's hard, but go for it. It's now or never.

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