Change | Teen Ink


June 4, 2012
By SmileyW SILVER, New York, New York
SmileyW SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A bland smile is like a green light at an intersection, it feels good when you get one, but you forget it the moment you&#039;re past it.&quot;<br /> ~ Doug Coupland

With me here and kids over there
When the sun goes down, as I'm lying on my bed
Over there, there are bodies dead, raped, and destroyed
I once thought this world was beautiful
But I never thought this world was darker than black
because we share the world
We care, even with our selfish hearts, we care
This is your time to act for someone
Someone who is the same age as you
but was treated with cruelty
Their world is different
Blinded by blood, violence, and other things for their whole life.
We will take action
Because this is the world we share.
Our world is a big heart
When one side is aching
The other side are there
But they aren't always backup
But now we can support, love, care about this other side
No more giving up
No more being ignored
We are going to change
A change that not only will change you
A change that not only change history
But a change that would be dug deep inside your heart
Make the world of others be known
Make your ideas be known
and this world will change
Change for you and me
and other next generation for good
For the best of what we can do
at end of our life
We can look back and still remember
We were part of this action
We saved someone’s life
That fact will make your life seem worth it

The author's comments:
Even though, we don't have much power and strength to help others in need. We can always start small and bloom.

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