Once Upon a Ruined Day | Teen Ink

Once Upon a Ruined Day

June 11, 2012
By Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was late on that soothing, warm noon

When all the world seemed to slow and stop
The air in its staleness took on a dreary solemn tune.

Your heart I knew it would be wise to drop

But in turn my heart would follow suit.

How was I to face this and hold false bravado when
Life, in that second, seemed a ruthless brute.

Despite the deplorable disaster my mind then

Went blank. Not a concern for me but for you,

Those tears from such swollen repentant eyes.
The sole indicator that any apology was tried and true.

What was repeated, I knew distant from lies

For who could see such a strong man crumble

Under weights of ill-fated decisions, mistakes.
Shaking and hiccupping the words he would fumble,

And judge him to be one of the rehearsed fakes?

Lay tears upon my shoulder and my hand behind

Your neck. Let time pass at will as we pause
In broken worlds. My face blank to deceive your mind

While I plan downfall. One’s life locked in my claws.

In that dark abandon place I find

Myself drawn. Unable to defeat such
Demons. The rage, the sorrow, the bond.

My precious, dwindling sanity I clutch

Between fragile shaking hands.

Forgetfulness playing coy and aloof,
All control slipping in mental sands.

Searching for honesty, searching for proof.

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