Colored Red | Teen Ink

Colored Red

August 6, 2012
By Asayarei SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
Asayarei SILVER, Henderson, Nevada
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you will ever learn, is to love and be loved in return."-From the movie Moulin Rouge.

Red is the blood that fills my body
Reminding me that I am pure inside,
Like the lips that steal the color of a poised rose
Or the red velvet cake that melts on your tongue
Bringing with it the sounds of the opera
With a voice that fills the room
Much like the sizzle of a grill in the backyard
That attracts such selfish hunger
And leaves you with one last breath,
Or a puff of air in the winter snow.
The taste is bittersweet
Like mashed strawberries in sour cream
The slapping sour changes to innocent sweet,
But yet an indulgence you can’t resist.
The dark chocolate sea,
Once it takes you,
You can never return.
The smooth and soft surrender to the touch
Like velvet in a baby’s hand,
Or new paint running through your fingers,
You can’t resist,
You shouldn’t touch
Because the wings of the butterfly can poison you,
Can entice you.

The author's comments:
How red looks, feels, tastes, sounds, and smells to me.

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