Despair | Teen Ink


December 7, 2012
By deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
deDcap SILVER, Valley Mills, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is too important to be taken seriously-Oscar Wilde

In the darkest depths of my despair
I have let loose all of my cares
All the lies surrounding me
Soon shall they be let free
And this mortal coil I call life
Has been sprung so tight soon I’ll end this strife
With the hate I feel sent from all
Soon I’ll make everyone bawl
The night is young there’s much to do
Listen close my words are true
I’ve been hurt my whole existence
All my life I’ve been so tense
Keeping all my secrets at bay
I’ll let them out and here they’ll stay
I will shock you all and make sure you know
What you did to me, it’ll be a blow
To your puny little minds I can’t wait to see
All of your reactions when you learn the real me
So don’t think I’ll just sit here and wait
My plan has begun it’s far too late
Just sit back and watch, soon you will learn
That I’m after you all just wait your turn
I will not forget you I can promise you that
I just haven’t reached you, but I will, that’s a fact
I’ll get all you who’ve hurt me
For it is my decree
I am very serious I do not play
For those I love stay out of my way
It’s too late to stop me, I’ve made up my mind
I’m sorry my loved ones but this world is not kind
You know of my plan so just try and hide
The only thing you have is time to bide
Once I’m done I’ll be in a fiery pit
My plan is in action
The fuse has been lit

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