Spirit of the Forest | Teen Ink

Spirit of the Forest

December 13, 2012
By XueQiWang BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
XueQiWang BRONZE, Vancouver, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I wandered, barefoot, beneath cool green shade,
Caressing the soft, moist moss beneath my feet,
My discontented spirit sought a kalon lost.

As I gazed overhead, at the magnificent canopy above,
Festooned with streams of sun rays.
The chirping of birds and the fluttering of butterflies,
Were a marvel to behold in mine eyes.

As I crossed slippery rocks on the river bank,
Its sparkling waters like glittering diamonds,
And the silver flash of salmon, making it shine.

As I ventured, through a glen of flowers,
The buzzing of bees with the sweet scent of daisies.
And a striking plant, punctuated by red berries,
modest orbs, succulent and tangy.

As I sat and thought, on a log that had rot,
The platter of rain and the soft gusts of wind,
Showed me the resplendency of a forgotten beauty.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 17 2012 at 7:33 pm
thatgirl99 BRONZE, Darien, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 16 comments
Your poem offers a tangible description of nature through beatiful word choice and figurative language.  Truely a joy to read.