Natures Own | Teen Ink

Natures Own

December 15, 2012
By RyanLenahan BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
RyanLenahan BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Grey clouds drift in a sluggish wander.
Search for purpose.
Birds soar in freedom as their humidified companions are bullied by the wind.
Homes transform into soothing music boxes when tapped upon by natures teardrops.
Recent but far away memories of blue skies encourage saplings not to drown as they swim in their darkest pleasure, not knowing when to absorb or exclude.
Face kissing rays of sun breach through cotton blankets of water....
Fighting for freedom they release mist to the tropospheres inviting prisms of color to join them,
Worlds not together yet one, forget anothers existence.
We ignore her but know natures deepest secrets.
She sees what we see but lacks voice, so in violent outbursts she acts in need of attention.
Cumbersome mountains scrape heavens as land underneath growls with passion for we can not tame its minions.
Swirling winds steal breath of lungs from those pure and impure.
Oceans swell calmly with power not able to be harnessed, harboring life plentiful but subject to vial impurities masked by words such as pollution.

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