Through the eyes of a mirror | Teen Ink

Through the eyes of a mirror

December 15, 2012
By RyanLenahan BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
RyanLenahan BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am a mirror,
I am what I am put in front of,
and whatever is placed in front of me.
Little girls putting on their mothers makeup.
Young men flexing.
I see cries and smiles of those both im- and un-impressed with their image.
I wish I could be one of them, yet I am all.
Seeing them in their physical best and worst is a gift I did not want, but received.
I am a symbol of insecurities.
My reflections are limitless and forever imprinted in ones heart and mind.
I create and crush dreams like nightmares while you sleep.
But I ever get to rest.

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