Summertime Fun | Teen Ink

Summertime Fun

January 7, 2013
By 88KeysAllToMe BRONZE, Richlands, North Carolina
88KeysAllToMe BRONZE, Richlands, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet." -Bob Marley

Across the creek and to the meadow
soft blanket in hand that's green and yellow.
Through the grassy field
embellished with white lacey flowers
a shadey spot under a tree
soon becomes ours.

We set down the brown woven basket
and spread the soft fleecy blanket.
The day is bright, only partly cloudy
the air humid, warm, and breezy.
My skin is moist
as I feel the sun's rays
warming my back
all is peaceful
then out comes a cat.
Unattractive and disfigured
the cat pauses briefly
then continues it's venture.

We consume our sandwiches
and snacks from the basket
Finally for dessert
I gladly unwrap
a bag of fresh strawberries.
A bright red berry
I bring to my lips
then bite, I do, into the tip.
A burst of sweet tangy flavor
explodes in my mouth
I chew slowly and try to savor.

My limbs yearn to stretch
so up I stand
arms extended
taking in a deep breath.
All of us now standing
my three cousins and I
Unanimously we decide
to a race along the treeline.
Off we go,
on we sprint,
as I feel the warm grass
diverge between my toes.

When the race is finished
and the food is gone
the day is ending
so we must move on.
Our time together
becomes the past
but a delightful memory
that'll forever last.

The moments spent together
making summertime fun
are never forgotten
and can't be undone.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as I was reminiscing over the summer of 2012... it was just one picnic.. but i've realized how we really don't appreciate the value of the moment until it becomes a memory... as Dr. Suess would say.

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