Past Haunts | Teen Ink

Past Haunts

January 18, 2013
By Zebber1997 BRONZE, Hinsdale, New Hampshire
Zebber1997 BRONZE, Hinsdale, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

In everyone’s past lies a haunt that won’t let go.
It stays forever.

Standing on the edge of a building, 200 feet up, Jackie needed something. Not for himself, but for her. What he needed would end him.

She was only a half mile away, alone in her mind and cold. She wanted two things, but could only have one.

Jackie needed peace to end the war in his mind.
He took a step.

She felt it when he hit the ground, as if the two were connected through the mind. Physically apart but mentally together.

His last words speaking “I’ll choose for her” as he fell.

The other was standing down below, watching his friend about to die, not knowing the real reason for the step off.

The girl and the other stood at a funeral in each others arms grieving for different reasons. The girl for lost love of both, the other for losing a friend at most.

The author's comments:
Inspired by a current trouble I'm going through. A girl I love says she loves me and someone else and she won't make up her mind, and even my death wouldn't change how she feels.

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