Jacksonian Era | Teen Ink

Jacksonian Era

March 6, 2013
By masterzblaster BRONZE, Northeast, Pennsylvania
masterzblaster BRONZE, Northeast, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started a long time ago,
in which every one's spirits fell real low.
It was a dispute over protective tariffs,
that seemed hung over some cliffs.
Some wanted them, some did not;
but knowing what to do could not be taught.
To protect the nation's businesses,
was what the the purpose of the tariffs.
there was even a nullification crisis,
whatever that discusses.
It was all about cancelling laws, where everyone was all hoots and caterwauls.
at the same time, there was expanding suffrage;
and it ranged from people at many of age.
Then came the nominating conventions,
which to some seemed like detentions.
they were for the nation's presidents,
and some felt they were early Christmas presents.
But because of the forming democratic parties,
it increased the weight the people carried.
From what I have discussed, I've cleared the air of,
the time of the early Jacksonian Era.

The author's comments:
this is about some things that happened during president Andrew Jackson's presidency.

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