The Girl They See | Teen Ink

The Girl They See

March 12, 2013
By iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your curious, you find a lot of interesting things in life- Walt Disney

The girl they see, is strong and brave
Able to stand on her own
She never let them see her fall

But the truth is that strong, brave girl
She isn't that strong, she puts on that smile
So no one worries, about the monsters inside

The monster claws at the edges of her mind
Looking to escape, longing to take over
she tries resisting but the monster is strong

The battle inside her head grows chaotic
The monster is hungry for blood
She cant hold on for much longer

She lays on the ground,
That pretty smile on her face
The monster has won, and that girl,

The one who's smile lit up others worlds
The beautiful soul, that was loved
She is gone, lost in the monsters grip

The author's comments:
We had to write a hidden self poem in my creative writing class and that got me inspired to write this.

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