Where Dwells the Light | Teen Ink

Where Dwells the Light

March 7, 2013
By Trishit Banerjee SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Trishit Banerjee SILVER, Mumbai, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do not admire the tempting light, stands beside a shadow
Do not regret the forgetful rains, stands beside a rainbow
Dear Fella who hurt you, on whom your eyes cry at?
Life’s not fair I accept it but it is still not bad!
You were the one to choose the path of bloody fire
Warned of temptations and the unfulfilled desires
Where dwells the regretful nights, resides the unseen dawn
Why cry at broken notes when you have a fresh new song
Not all on the road you walk should you trust upon
Come they one day in your life and then dead and gone
Not all are fine and fair as you would expect them to be
Their dictionaries filled with a word none other than ‘ME’
Praise the highs why talk about the past now unknown lows
Why search the nights when the light nearby coruscates and glows
Learn from the previous nights but today shan’t return
Walk alone on your lonely paths, besides you stand none
Whom you call as friends turn mirage and a shadow
But don’t regret the forgetful rains, besides there’s a rainbow.
Where dwells the light there has to be an unknown shadow
But where dwells the rain there has to be a known and bright rainbow.

The author's comments:
A poem for all emotions...This poem is out of personal experiences of teenage life...

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