A Day’s Drive down Gilmer Road | Teen Ink

A Day’s Drive down Gilmer Road

March 11, 2013
By ellie palacios BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
ellie palacios BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I drove down the long, wooded Gilmer Road,
The familiar, relaxing route close to my abode,
A journey I’ve embarked on so many times before,
I pause to look out the window as the car slowed.

The winding turns are second-nature to me,
Yet each day, there is something unique to see.
Through different passengers and seasonal changes,
Each successive journey can form a new memory.

Driving straight towards the sun after a long summer day,
Or the flowers bursting in pink, mid-morning May,
How it contrasts to a realm of snow-topped trees,
Time spent in traffic, wishing slosh-ridden streets away.
Whether it be zipping along the road to practice with the team,
Or leisure summer drives back from Dairy Dream,
My familiar road changes every day it seems,
My familiar road changes every day it seems.

The author's comments:
This poem was written about the road I live by

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