Bleeding Ink | Teen Ink

Bleeding Ink

March 11, 2013
By williamsannette096 SILVER, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
williamsannette096 SILVER, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Mistakes are a factor of life. It is the response to the error that counts." Nikki Giovanni
"There is not greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you." Maya Angelou

Once told that true love never fades away… Momma always told me everything that looks good isn’t, I guess that explains why you came across so heavenly to me and why I see now that me being with you... well it would never come down to it... I’ve come to know that what was there or what I thought was there is now gone but my heart won’t come to the realization because I’m steady writing about you, bleeding ink for your love I’m bleeding ink for your touch I’m bleeding ink for your voice, I’m bleeding ink just to look into those big beautiful brown eyes one last time and feel like nothing in this world could conquer me, us… gazing into your soul feeling like I’m that girl in the movie scene who wins your heart and everyone else can’t help but to shed a tear from their heart not being able to predict us, and even going to a new level of feelings past where anyone could even think, but I guess, I never thought your emotions would sink like the titanic now I’m shedding tears bleeding ink from being out of your presence, bleeding ink from not having your hand in mine, bleeding ink from not having your words flow through my spirit, wanting to travel to the highest point of this earth and shout out my love for all of God’s people to hear it… or maybe if I was to whisper my heart into your ears, because actually you are my world, then maybe you would consider and not leave me alone to become so bitter... hoping for you to ponder on that and just think, because I’m dying for your love crying pages bleeding ink

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