Just Him and I | Teen Ink

Just Him and I

March 14, 2013
By KeetaFox BRONZE, Conifer, Colorado
KeetaFox BRONZE, Conifer, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Don't Cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
~Dr. Suess

It is Just Him.
His smile,
his chocolate brown hair,
and those eyes.

They make my heart squeeze.
My stomach churns and flutters.
My breath is rapid.
Then I remember, speak!

He laughs,
so I smile.
I can't help it.
Just him and I in this room.

I give in to
the warmth of his hand.
I look into those eyes.
I feel so secure.
Just him and I.

Then, comes dismay.
Mutual feelings?
Or no?
Is it too late,
to be just him and I?

Is the future enough?
Am I good enough?
He is marvelous,
but am I?
Will it always be just him and I?

Looking into those
welcoming eyes,
the panic tarnishes.
He whispers,
Just you and me.

The author's comments:
A special someone inspired me. I hope everyone gets to feel this feeling at least once in their life. <3

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