The lost-en poems | Teen Ink

The lost-en poems

March 25, 2013
By FreakyPoetryAddict SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
FreakyPoetryAddict SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
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I want a friend, who, when I tell them I'm fine, they'll pull me close and say what's wrong?

When people are taken,

they usually die.

They may have been hung.

can feel the crack of their neck.

or their throats slashed.

They just sit their bleeding out,

Maybe they were tied up with barbwire

Like spike’s digging into their flesh.

They can feel their pulse like

flickering of fire’s flame.

They just sit their,

feeling so helpless, watching the ground turn red.

as they blacken out,

they mutter,

till death bring me down.
People go psycho.

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