What If... | Teen Ink

What If...

April 9, 2013
By emkel BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
emkel BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We are all cursed.
Whether we realize it or not.

I've never known what it is like to not have access to food.
Nor haveI ever been hit or severely reprimanded.
I've never actually been alone in life.

Now I wonder if I would be more grateful if I had none of that.

If I was starving, on the verge of death every day,
A slice of bread would be a blessing.
If I was afraid to come home to my family,
I would be lucky to be in foster care.
If I ate lunch in the toilet stall,
I would be glad to have someone to talk to.

I must be sick to look beautiful or hate myself otherwise.
I must hate how I choose to spend my time.
I must decide who is a true friend and who is using me.

But if I complain, I am ungrateful.
If I ask for more, I am selfish.
If I ask for less, I am proving a point or showing off.

I want to be able to say how I truly feel.
I wonder what that would really be like.
Relieving? Terrifying? Wonderful?

There once was a day I tried to tell everything I wanted to say.
I was called arrogant.
I was reprimanded.
I was called rude.
I was ignored.

Some way to reward honesty.

The author's comments:
I feel that many teens can relate to this, however much I wish that was not the case. Always remember that life is a blessing, not a curse. Do what makes you happy and healthy. Be thankful for all of the blessings in life. That is all I can ask for.

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