Mysteries of Paradise | Teen Ink

Mysteries of Paradise

April 4, 2013
By 16nsandstrom SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
16nsandstrom SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you are lucky enough to have something that makes you different from everyone else, don't ever change." ~ Taylor Swift

The salt tingles my skin
I can taste it in the air
The rough ocean waves come
Crashing over me as I wade
Out farther and farther

Beneath the liquid glass is a
Mystery in it`s self. You are
Being watched. Everywhere you turn
There is a pair of unfamiliar
Eyes resting on you body. The
Creatures are beautiful but sometimes

Above. The sky is as bright as the
Sun that is shining down on
The newly cut grass. The palm
Trees like monsters, waiting to
Throw it's brown ammo. Aiming
for a direct shot.

The natives so unique. Clothes,
Dialect, homes. Their olive skin crisp
But beautiful. Wisps and waves of
Their dark hair mimic the ocean.
They ride the waves like a lion prowling
The jungle. I comes naturally.

800 feet up...still rising... I can see the
Water miles from my feet. Just me,
my parachute, and miles of blue. I am
King of the ocean...until I descend.

Plunge into the deep ocean, in the
coral reefs. The dolphins and sea
turtles surround me. Playing
And splashing. They remind me
Of young siblings.

Hiking through the lively rainforest
I discover new species that I
Never knew existed. The parrots
And peacocks stroll around like
ordinary birds, not realizing
Their beauty.

Paradise... an amazing fairytale
that can only be told by
Personal experience. Hawaii
Is like no other. It holds
The untold mysteries of

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