I have it in me after all | Teen Ink

I have it in me after all

April 13, 2013
By MariaAmin SILVER, Sacramento, California
MariaAmin SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Take calculated risks.
That is quite different from being rash.
-George S. Patton

Once upon a time when I lied down to sleep two people were beside me,
Now only one remains which is the bad I have let myself be,
I am afraid, and "it" is scary,
I want "it" to go away like my belief in the reality of a tooth fairy,
"It" asks me how my day was and I know "it" doesn't care,
Because if "it" did than it would either leave my bed, or share with the good me and be fair,
I try not to reply,
Because all I want to do is say bye-bye,
"It" keeps asking me the same thing,
And I tell "it" how horrible it was and how I feel as fragile as a butterfly wing,
It asks me why every night,
And I erupt saying how all these bad feelings come from "it" and that "it" likes me to have an internal fight,
"It" shakes it's head and sighs,
And tells me, "You are that sad, oh my,"
"It" goes on with, "I am only what you have become and that is all,"
I reply with, "Then why do I keep on letting myself fall?"
"It" tells me, "Because you don't think you are capable of good anymore,"
And I say, "Then am I bad to the core?"
"It" says, "No, not yet, you have too much good,"
I say, "Thank you I think I will be good since I could"
And the other side of "ME" says, "Your welcome."

The author's comments:
Sometimes every person feels that they are not good or good people, but later you have to realize no one is perfect.

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