Mockingbird | Teen Ink


April 12, 2013
By meWithoutU GOLD, San Diego, California
meWithoutU GOLD, San Diego, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is a puzzle
one that stumps everyone
your life can be grand
your life can truthfully suck
it all depends how you put it together
the big picture
and what it means
you have the power to change
so you choose
how do you wanna live

Peacefully flying through the air
bringing harm to none
filling ears with their songs
never hurt no one
do not harm those
those who don't harm
The mockingbirds will be free
they will not feel pain
for they are there to help
think of this
it's not only the birds i refer to
you know a mockingbird
they are everywhere
just remember
its a sin to kill a mockingbird

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