Sleep, Writer, Sleep | Teen Ink

Sleep, Writer, Sleep

April 21, 2013
By puppynebula BRONZE, Leavenworth, Kansas
puppynebula BRONZE, Leavenworth, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."

-Douglas Adams

Sleep, writer, sleep,

For you need your rest.

Soon your work

Will be put to the test.

Sleep, writer, sleep

Your day has been long,

And all of this day

You've been singing your song

You've been singing and singing

And you don't really belong

Which is why you've been singing and singing

Your song

And yes,

The day has been very long

So sleep, writer, sleep,

For you need your rest.

Because soon your work

Will be put to the test.

You do not belong, writer,

But do not despair,

Your life has been hard

As you are aware.

Everyone thinks you a monster,

They stare,

And when they see you come

They prepare

They think that you're crazy,

It just isn't fair,

They don't understand

They don't give a care,

They see what you've wrote,

And they've found it in error

They think that it's vulgar,

They don't think it's right.

They don't want to accept

That what you now recite

Is only reality

Of today's day

And night

So sleep, writer, sleep

Because you need your rest

And already your work

Is being put to the test.

So sleep, writer sleep.

It's the only chance you'll get.

The times may be hard

But just don't you quit

For the things that you write

Is very legit

And when you lay down your head

And shut down your mind

The recognition

For which you have pined

Becomes ever so real

And the tests now decline

So sleep, writer, sleep.

Because sleep, as much a they try to mislead,

Is the only escape, from your prison of need.

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