never again | Teen Ink

never again

April 23, 2013
By Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can always close a book, but you can never close the mind of a writer

Were running back & forth
From the past we had to the future we want to share
Is this all just a dare to see how far I can go till I break ?!
Cause you know I really care, so don't play, it's not a game !!
Don't tell me it was fate, cause we both choose to go our own ways
Now your to far away, & here I remain trying to erase everything that
we shared.
Then you tell me you need me back?!
But to me it's just a Lie cause I know it won't last
Just walk out my door again, before we fall back into the game.
We can't do this again, all the pain we caused all the tears that were shed
This is to much to bare, it keeps replaying inside my head, its like a
story we create.
But what a waste, of time, of Love & of Faith.
Cause I believed you in every way.
Cause I gave you all the time i had left
Cause I loved you enough to let you go
But now you come back & expect for me to love you again ?!
Boy don't even play, you can't play with fire expecting not to sweat
So for the last time I ask again, let me go & let me be, forget that I exist.

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