Filling The Gap | Teen Ink

Filling The Gap

April 24, 2013
By Agenter BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Agenter BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

4th Hour
When we are born,
we are surefire two things in life;
air and death.
The rest is yours to fill the gap.

We love as if it’s the end
of the world.
We have empathy
like a priest loves god.
But it’s the minuscule events
or moments in life that
help us discover true beauty in it.
Beauty of waking up to a sunrise
drumming on your face and skin,
warming up your body its tingling.
Beauty of creating friendships that
other people wish they had.
Ones that you’re so close
it’s like reaching the gates of heaven.

We encounter roadblocks
in our lives too.
Heartbreak, agony, the pain of
losing someone.
It’s like watching your
life crumble like an ant hill.
The realization of how we are just small
little organisms following a path.
Like a herd of sheep following the Sheppard.

Life will then work out in your favor.
For every bad thing that happens,
a good one ascends from the ashes
like a phoenix.

In the end
we all meet the same fate,
lying six feet under in dirt.
Rest is yours to fill the gap.

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