Love Is | Teen Ink

Love Is

May 2, 2013
By Breuna SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
Breuna SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is like a baby cute, soft, and full of joy.
Love is a man and a women's true feelings for one another.
Love is everything to a women and to most men.
The love is stronger when two feel the same way about each other.

Love is blind and it can take control over your mind.
Love can be as big as the moon shinning.
Shinning bright late at night like the stars.
Love is a beautiful journey a journey that many wishes to take.

Love is exciting, excellent, and exhausting.
Love is extra strong
When y'all are high school sweet hearts.
Love is all over and near around this time of year.

Love is red and pink.
Love is like a drug one taste and your hooked for life.
Love is the blood in my body,
It rushes through my veins and encircle my heart.
So how about you watch out now love is about to come around

The author's comments:
The love of my life is my high school sweet heart

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