Where You're Supposed to Be | Teen Ink

Where You're Supposed to Be

May 3, 2013
By SwannS DIAMOND, Clifford Township, Pennsylvania
SwannS DIAMOND, Clifford Township, Pennsylvania
65 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is our memories that kill us." -In Memorium

Everyday, the same torture:
You are missing from me.
How I can live and breathe without,
A cold-case mystery.
I put on my favorite dress.
It's a shame you can't see.
That mellow song you like is on.
That local group, your scene.
I want you laying next to me,
Where you're supposed to be.
I think 'love', just a single word
That sets both of us free.

The author's comments:
Written for my boyfriend, when he was missing from my life.

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