The Basement | Teen Ink

The Basement

May 12, 2013
By shash976 SILVER, Canton, Michigan
shash976 SILVER, Canton, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The old stuffed teddy bear,
Lies on its side in the corner,
Dust covering it like maggots.

I go over to it
And pick it up
And shake the dust-maggots off
And life rebounds in its glassy eyes.

I see myself in it:
Me in my younger years
And the old stuffed teddy bear is not so old.

The walls whisper to me,
Of times long past,
But I don’t remember the memories the speak of
Because I was too young to speak
To them.

But I hear them now,
Memories hide themselves in the dust motes,
In the steps,
In the water heater,
In the doors,
In the toy boxes,
In the shelves,
And I am drowned in my anamnesis,
And I don’t know if I can resurface

Once it all changes.

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